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Return Policy
We want you to be 100% happy with the goods you order, the service you receive and the way we apply your logo or branding. In addition, we guarantee the quality and workmanship of our products for 30 days from the day you receive your order. If you have a quality concern, please contact us.
Privacy Policy
To protect the privacy of all visitors to this website, all personal information about individual users (name, address, E-mail address, credit card numbers) is confidential and is used only to fulfill orders from this site. Please visit our seperate privacy policy on this site
All content on this website is the property of 118 Print & Design Limited (Uk) or its content suppliers and is protected by local and international copyright laws. The specific layout and arrangement of all content on this site is the exclusive property of 118 Print & Design Limited (Uk) and is protected by local and international copyright laws. Any modification, duplication or distribution of the content of the site is strictly prohibited.
118 Print & Design Limited (Uk) makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the site or product information. To the full extent permissible by law, 118 Print & Design Limited (Uk) disclaims all warranties, express or implied, regarding merchantability and fitness for a particular use. 118 Print & Design Limited (Uk) will not be liable for any damages due to misuse of the site including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages.
Applicable Law
This site is created and controlled by 118 Print & Design Limited (Uk). We reserve the right to make changes to our site and these disclaimers, policies, or terms and conditions at any time.
Our Information Policy (Marketing Emails )
Client(s) := Limited or corporate businesses or organisations such as schools, hospitals, government departments or agencies and other public bodies.
Contact(s) := The person or persons acting as representatives of the above clients
Our Policy:
This policy sets out the details of how we issue email communications with you (the client).
This policy is transparent and written clearly to reflect the way we work. We always strive to provide a method of best practice and therefore - this policy is considered as a work in progress and will be updated as deemed necessary to provide improvements to our service or to reflect any changes in law.
Our Database:
We have worked hard over the last 10/12 years to build up our own database of clients and always seek consent to send account or marketing information. Apart from our normal business practice of sending accounting or activity based reports (ie invoices etc), we also send out price lists, product updates, seasonal and specific offers or new and updated service(s) information. These communications are sent wherever possible by email (if not then by post) and where we have been given specific or generic contact details directly or where we have been instructed to send said such information to a contact by a director, manager or other officer of the business/organisation.
We will only ever sned email comminucations to B2B (business to business) and not individual consumers.
The European Commission GDPR draft does not require opt-in consent for B2B email marketing to corporate companies. The proposed legislation does call for the interests of business individuals to be protected, meaning that you should be able to unsubscribe from receiving electronic marketing easily. If you feel that you have received an email in error then please unscubscibe or call/email our customer services .
We will knowingly only ever send email information to who we believe is or are the appointed representatives of the client and acting as the person responsible for any relevant communication or interest to our line of work. We do not knowingly send emails directly to individuals, individual consumers, sole traders or partnerships. We will never ask any individual related to a company, organisation or otherwise to respond as an individual or take part in any incentive, inducment, competition, offer or to part with any money directly.
In order not to bombard clients with unnecessary marketing emails we have procedures in place to only send any marketing based information within normal business opening times of 8.00am to 5.30 pm and no further emails within a 70 day period or a maximum of five emails per calendar year. (with the exception of any important price/product updates or services issues).
In addition to the above we will make contact will all our clients at least once a year to ensure they are happy for us to continue to hold information and mail marketing emails.
Information held:
Any information we hold is directly related to the clients business or organisation and is held as part of our accounts/ company profile on our secure servers which are protected by firewalls etc. All information is for our own private company use. We will not knowingly share any information with any other party.
Apart from accounts related ledger /quote/order specific information, core information held for any marketing purposes is limited to :-
The clients name:
The clients address and post code.
The contact business telephone number.
The contacts business email address.
The contact job position.
The mail issued and date.
In addition we keep an audit trail of opt it/out dates. We seek permission when we establish a communication by means of enquiry/quote/order or direct visit and or where there has been an interest in our products or services.
Valid opted in emails are those :-
That we have collected over many years in compliance with the law at the time (by means of electronic communication or verbal agreement with our sales agents internally and in the field.
That we have used within the last 12 months
That are business contacts who haven’t told us stop emailing them.
We do not collect information by capturing data from our website.
Opting out:
Clients representatives can opt out from at any time of any mailing received by either clicking an unsubscribe link. Clients can also opt out at any time by sending us an email asking to be unsubscribed or calling our customer services.
Any opt out request via means of an unsubscribe button is acted upon immediately.
Any opt out request via means of contact via our sales/customer services is acted upon immediately.
Any opt request via emails sent to us or other methods are acted upon asap (usually with 24 hours). In this case it is possible the client may still receive communications that are already in progress.
Who we are:
In any email marketing communication we issue, we always provide :-
Our company identity which is never ‘disguised or concealed’.
An optout “click” option
A valid email address to which to an ‘unsubscribe’ request can be sent to.
A telephone contact for customer sales & services
Errors. (Human and technical)
Our business is operated by Humans and not robots. Therefore an occasional mistake may occur.
If you feel that you have “unsubscribed” but are still receiving email communications. Please call our customer services team who will manually opt you out or back in if you if you wish to continue to receive information.
Technical glitches or malfunctions are prone to happen resulting in some clients receiving duplicate emails etc- we will always strive to resolve any technical issues promptly to keep any issues to a minimum.
You can opt out of our system at any time. You can also request that your name be removed from any company data that we hold for matrketing purposes. However, we will keep a records where we have a legal obligation to keep such records ie accounts transaction data/ account/invoice payments etc.